Anne Abbott-Gee, NBCT, M.Ed

English Teacher, Palo Verde Magnet High School

National Board Candidate Support Provider, Tucson USD


One of people I admire most, Eleanor Roosevelt, once gave the advice to "do one thing every day that scares you." I try to live my life by that same mantra and to encourage others to do the same. From poetry slams to theatrical exploration to publication to debates to ropes courses, I try to push myself and my students to take chances daily so they can live their authentic selves. As long as we are true to our word and ourselves, we can be credible for others.

In search of ways to encourage thoughtful risks and building awareness of identity, I

  • sponsor the Slam Poetry Club
  • teach Pre-AP English and AP English Language through a lens of cultural relevance and social justice
  • coach teachers who are on their National Board certification journey
  • vote, protest, act
  • take risks of my own!
  • take students to fully-paid theatrical experiences as part of my tax-credit HEAT (Honors English Arts Trips) program. Donate by clicking below.