Format of page:

  1. Writing support
  2. Language help/tips/fun
  3. 2D Design helpers
  4. Visual Presentation helpers
  5. News, culture, arts
  6. Scrollytelling
  7. The Oatmeal Writing & Grammar Support

Sites to visit frequently:

Click to go there.

Writing Support: Click on a label to go there!

Format for Written Work
Google Keyboard Shortcuts
Essay Hotspots: HOOKS!
Google docs and MLA type formats
Discussion Question Expectations

HUGE writing questions answered PLUS tips and language fun!

Picture, Graphic Design, and Infographic Design Sites: Click on a label to go there!

Presentation Helpers: Click on a label to go there!

Social justice, news, culture, and the arts: Click on a label to go there!


Fun Writing and Grammar Support from